A Drink with… Lisa Lang and Omar Musa

Here, finally, are the first two episodes of the new LiteraryMinded show A Drink with… !

A Drink with… is a literary-minded chat show. In each episode I chat, informally, with a different writer, over a drink at a Melbourne location. Over the course of the show my co-producer Mark Welker and I will feature both emerging and established writers, and writers of different forms, including criticism. Our first two episodes are interviews with poet and rapper Omar Musa, and author Lisa Lang.

We’ve decided to release the first two episodes simultaneously. From here, my team will produce an episode approximately every two months. Also on the production team are Sam Bowron and Aaron Cuthbert. Everyone has worked really hard to get these two episodes together. If you’d like to support the project donations are welcome (click the button on the right on the blog’s main page, or scroll down on a mobile), or contact me (literaryminded at gmail dot com) for sponsorship enquiries.

You can also support the project by following the LiteraryMinded channel on Vimeo and/or YouTube, and by sharing the videos—if you like them—with your networks via Facebook, Twitter, email or your own blog. Thanks so much. We’ll be releasing some bonus content down the track, too.

Hope you enjoy them!

Watch A Drink with Lisa Lang on Vimeo (below and here) or YouTube (click here).

Watch A Drink with Omar Musa on Vimeo (below and here) or YouTube (click here).

We’re pretty excited about bringing something new to the blogosphere, and to the Oz literary scene! As we’re just starting out, admittedly there were a few bumps. We’re happy to receive any feedback.

Update: read Mark Welker’s articulate post about the impetus behind the show, here.

14 thoughts on “A Drink with… Lisa Lang and Omar Musa

  1. Good work! This is great, Angela. I watched your interview with Lisa Lang and enjoyed it very much. Feedback?…the sound quality seemed a little muffled but it didn’t interfere with my enjoyment of it. Well done and thanks for bringing this idea together 🙂

  2. Pingback: A Drink with LiteraryMinded | avocado and lemon

  3. These are great Angela. Keen to see more. G’work to all involved!

    Exciting to hear that Omar is branching out into fiction and verse novels. And as a Canberran, it was kind of awesome to realise where the MoneyKat music video was shot too.

    Feedback? It’d be great to have a combo of short and long videos, I reckon. Two minute samples or extended into 15 minutes+, for a variety of moods and spare time gaps. The first video I thought lingered too much on coffee cups, hands, notebooks. The second was mostly focussed on just Omar talking, which is always engaging, but I think a balance between the two vid styles is the sweet spot. And Omar’s lapel mic crackled a few times. But I’m clutching at critique straws, really. Good stuff!

    • Hi Duncan, thanks! The reason for those extended cutaways in Lisa’s interview was because the focus went blurry! And yes, we’re aware of Omar’s mic crackling, that was just a technical issue we couldn’t do anything about at the time. We’ve had the mic serviced since. We’ve definitely got more ideas for the next one, and thank you so much for your feedback. We do plan on branching out perhaps to different lengths and kinds of videos, too. Hope you continue to enjoy the show!

  4. Pingback: Utopian Man by Lisa Lang « Musings of a Literary Dilettante's Blog

  5. Pingback: LiteraryMinded’s fifth blog anniversary spectacular! (part three) | LiteraryMinded

  6. Pingback: A Drink with Chris Flynn | LiteraryMinded

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